CBE Facade Map

Supporting the adoption of advanced facade design strategies and technologies

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Alnatura Campus

Principal Use


Design Architect

Haas Cook Zemmrich Studio 2050

Anything about the engineers? Facade consultants?

KlimaEngineer (Transsolar) - HVAC (Henne & Walter) - Building physics (KNP) - Rammed Earth (Lehm Ton Erde)

Gross Floor Area

10,000 m2 Units SI IP

107,640 ft2

Reason(s) for inclusion

Building Name

Alnatura Campus, Darmstadt, Germany

Description / Additional Information

Describe the key innovation and technology aspects of the project

Project Narrative

In addition to the demand for a remarkable indoor climate, this three-story high office building strives for "simplicity" in the sense of robustness: more quality through reduction. The windows in the rammed earth façades have exterior shading. The course of the sun was taken into account in order to provide optimal natural light throughout the whole building. The building is naturally ventilated, with an earth duct preconditioning the outside air, which then enters the office areas via floor outlets. Users can also open the windows. The air is exhausted at the top of the central atrium.

General Information

Year completed (or major renovation)


Climate Zone


Building Certifications (check all that apply)

  • DGNB

External Links

Link(s) for more information

Other Design Features

Energy Performance

Construction Type

Construction Type

  • Massive Facade Construction
  • Other (please specify)

Construction Type: Other

Rammed earth façade

Prevalent Glazing Type

  • Triple Glazing

Approximate WWR (measured from the inside)


Skin Type

Skin Type

  • Single Skin Facade

Solar Shading

Solar Shading Strategy

  • Dynamic Exterior Shading

Exterior shading

  • Exterior Movable Louvers or Blinds


Is there natural ventilation through the facade?


Type of Ventilation Strategy

  • Stack or Atrium-enabled

Relationship to Mechanical Systems

  • Assisted (both can work simultaneously)

Ventilation Control Strategy

  • Based on Indoor CO2 concentration


Is daylight simulation part of the design process?


Daylight metric(s)

  • DF
  • sDA


Embodied Carbon

Was a carbon assesment of the facade conducted in the design phase?


Energy Generation

Does the facade produce energy?



Description / Additional Information

Add any additional private comments for CBE to better understand the project

The embodied carbon of the building has been scientifically evaluated in order to be minimized: the amount of embodied carbon was investigated for production, transport, storage, sale and disposal of building materials.